The 3 “G” of doom

Legal awareness for greenwash is rising slowly, whereas there is still a governance vacuum for geo-engineering

EU CO2 Emission trading law

Icebear discuss Nuclear Fusion

Nobody would have thought that we had to defend climate protection in this way. They fought for ambitious climate protection and were able to ward off almost all attempts to mitigate climate protection. (in December 2022) They were creating a strong, stable and high CO2 price in Europe, which makes the European coal phase-out more […]

Greenwashing- Legal developments

Examples of legal troubles for aprox. 12 well known companies. What is LCA and PEF? EU Law developments on greenwashing expected to come in 2023.

Lawyers report on reducing risk of greenwashing

Reducing risk of greenwashing – a lawyers report By Daniel Koeppel – How to walk the talk in all things sustainability related The London based Energy & Environment Alliance (EEA) released an article about an report in early December 2021 in which a committee comprised of top in-house lawyers and law firms in the hospitality […]